C3R Keratoconus Management

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C3R Keratoconus Management in Jaipur

Keratoconus is a condition where the cornea of the eye bulges outward like a cone. This condition occurs when one has a weak cornea which cannot manage to hold the round shape that the eyes naturally have. The eyes contain tiny amounts of protein fibers which manage to keep the cornea in shape. Keratoconus is caused when the fibers get weak and no longer hold the cornea together causing it to bulge. This makes the cornea look like a cone.

This condition is usually caused due to a lack of protective antioxidants in the cornea that results in damage. The exhaust from the car and other such components are responsible for this damage. Keratoconus seems to occur in families that have the condition. There is no definite time for the cornea to change shape. In some people it could occur very soon while others might see slight change after many years. One of the most common ways to detect this problem is blurred vision.

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Pink City Eye Center - The flagship company is working towards building the brand to give day care service provider. In this endeavour to bring quality healthcare to each and every citizen, we do -

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Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital

  • Monday To Saturday
  • Timing: 10:00 AM To 4:00 PM

Dr. Nitesh Bansal Eye Center

  • Monday To Saturday
    Timing: 9:00 AM To 10:00 AM (only by Appointment)
    5:30 PM To 8:00 PM
    Sunday: 10:30AM To 12:00PM (only by Appointment)